Saturday, June 8, 2024

Guess what came to visit us today? (Hint: It's not the fox)



I start with “ugh” intentionally, so you’ll understand straight away this isn’t one of those “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” stories. 

Damian tested positive for COVID last night.  He’s been unwell for about a day and a half, but between the massive pollen we’ve had thus far this season (which makes my black Mercedes resemble the color of Donald Trump’s golden toilet) and the crazy weather patterns – it’s unsurprising one of us would end up with a cold/flu.  I just figured it would be me.

Let me just quickly clarify – when I say crazy weather patterns – this is what we’ve been experiencing:

                Winter temperatures (froze the pipes again)

                Mild Winter temps  (“more than a sweater” weather)


                Winter Round 2

                One day of Spring

                THE BOWELS OF HELL heat

                Winter Round 3


                More Thunderstorms


                Back to Summer

                One day of beautiful spring weather

                TORNADOES BLOWING TREES AND HOUSES DOWN (not kidding – check the news)

Yeah, ridiculously CRAZY weather patterns.  

Damian doesn’t get sick often, so when he does it’s a pretty big deal.  It went from a bit of a scratchy throat to “please not a cold just before the weekend”  (at this point he’s still texting to tease Donna about rescuing her UPS box and giving the neighbors grief about their obsessive-compulsive gardening habits) to “Do you still have your father’s revolver so I can put myself out of my misery” fairly quickly.  Fever.  Coughing.  Congestion.  Body aches. Down for the count.  Done.  Sleeping all day.  Nothing but Vitamin C, electrolytes, hot tea with lemon and honey and some Advil Cold & Flu. 

He doesn’t let me pamper him nearly as much as he takes care of me when I’m out after surgery – it’s not a complaint (he just feels like garbage and wants to hide until he’s human again) - but it’s hard to watch wishing I could do more to take away his pain.

Wasn’t tired at bedtime so I played on my phone for a bit then started feeling gloriously sleepy.  Turned on the white noise (to deafen the dog’s snoring), turned on the fan (to blow the dog’s farts away from my bed), and settled in with my second favorite pillow (the dog pee’d on my favorite one during previously mentioned thunderstorms of doom) and tried to get comfy.

Nope.  Too much pain.  Lots of pain still going on from surgery, all over the place.  Crap.

Took a pain pill, waited 30 minutes for it to work its magic and “Hallelujah! I’m out of pain!” but now I’m also wide awake.  Completely awake.  “Let’s make coffee and mow the lawn!” awake. Tried soothing music, tried guided sleep meditation, tried the mental imagery  techniques my counselor taught me when we were studying sleep hygiene – no help.  It’s as if my brain doesn’t realize I haven’t slept so I’m sitting at my desk at 5:30 am wondering how I’m going to get through the day on zero rest and make sure Damian has everything he needs to get through the worst of this.  (Covid hit him hard last time.)

So far, I feel fine – exhausted, of course - but it’s one more reason I’m grateful that surgery for next week is canceled.  The sun is starting to come up – guess I’ll get started on some homework.