Friday, May 24, 2024



Today, after yet another visit to the hospital for more post-op blood tests, urine tests, poking, prodding, etc. - I was feeling pretty cranky (hey, they were fasting labs after all) but made a quick dash to Wal-Mart to pick up some supplies for the birthday cake I promised my friend Donna.

Although I almost never use it, I have a temporary handicap placard and there were NO parking spots available anywhere close to the doors so I decided being in pain, I was going to take advantage of it.

I hang my placard and gently step out of the car and some redneck guy who had probably been circling the parking lot for an insane amount of time waiting for a good spot took one look at me and said, "You don't look disabled to me." and scowled.

Now, I'm not saying I DID - but I just MAY have turned to face him head on and lifted up my shirt to expose my VERY impressive full body stitches across my entire abdomen and chest as well as my remaining surgical drain and pus covered gauge where the skin isn't healing.

If I HAD actually done this, I could tell you honestly the look on his face was one of the most rewarding things I've ever experienced as I turned and walked towards the entrance.

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